Intravenous Vitamin C & Cancer


Intravenous Vitamin C & Cancer

Intravenous vitamin C serves as a complementary therapy for cancer, boosting immune activity and enhancing overall quality of life. While vitamin C is not a definitive cure for cancer, its administration in high intravenous doses holds the potential for an anti-cancer effect.

What is Vitamin C?

Ascorbic Acid, commonly known as Vitamin C, is a water-soluble vitamin primarily found in citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, bell peppers, and other sources. It plays a crucial role in numerous vital biological functions, including wound healing, collagen synthesis, gene expression regulation, maintenance of genomic stability, and serving as a co-factor for various enzymes in our body. Additionally, Vitamin C functions as a potent antioxidant. Unlike many mammals and animals, humans lack the capability to synthesize Vitamin C internally, necessitating its daily supplementation.


    The 1970s saw widespread attention to the impact of Vitamin C on cancer, thanks to the work of Nobel laureate Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Cameron. Their findings suggested that high doses of Vitamin C enhanced the survival rates of cancer patients. In the 1990s, research emphasized the significant variances in the pharmacokinetics of oral and intravenous Vitamin C. This revelation sparked a surge in new studies within the intravenous Vitamin C field, including various in vitro, preclinical, and clinical investigations that hold promise.

Do Cancer Patients Have Compromised Vitamin C Status?

     Numerous studies consistently indicate that individuals with cancer tend to exhibit lower plasma vitamin C levels compared to their healthy counterparts. A significant portion of cancer patients is found to experience hypovitaminosis C (below 23 μmol/L) and outright deficiency (below 11 μmol/L). Additionally, the severity of the disease seems to correlate with vitamin C status, as patients with more advanced-stage cancers demonstrate notably lower levels compared to those with less advanced stages.

The observation that cancer patients require higher amounts of Vitamin C suggests a reduced body pool, likely influenced by elevated oxidative stress and a pro-inflammatory state in these individuals. Notably, animals capable of synthesizing their own vitamin C show increased production when faced with a tumor burden, indicating an augmented need in such circumstances.

How does High Dose IV Vitamin C act? 

I. Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide

Vitamin C exhibits dual characteristics as either an antioxidant or a pro-oxidant, depending on the administered dosage. In the context of cancer treatment, the desired action is a "pro-oxidant" one. Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), when administered, produces Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) within the tumor environment and within cancer cells. The generated Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) then exerts a lethal effect on the cancer cells. Healthy cells are shielded from this impact because they possess the enzyme "catalase," which can break down H2O2 into water and oxygen. In contrast, cancer cells lack this enzyme, rendering them vulnerable to destruction by High Dose Vitamin C.

II. Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity

Research indicates a close association between oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and cancer. Oxidative stress, marked by an excess of free radicals originating from sources like chronic infections, heavy metal toxicity, and pesticides in our food, can lead to damage in cellular components and DNA, thereby contributing to cancer development. Vitamin C emerges as a potent antioxidant, effectively scavenging a broad spectrum of free radicals in both plasma and within cells. This scavenging ability plays a crucial role in safeguarding vital cell components, including DNA, proteins, and the cell wall, against oxidative harm. Individuals with cancer often exhibit heightened levels of free radicals and markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha). In such cases, the administration of High Doses of IV Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the levels of these inflammation mediators (CRP, IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha).

III. Enhancing Immunity:

The concentration of Vitamin C in our immune cells (leucocytes) is 10 to 100 times higher than that in the blood and other cells. This highlights the crucial role of Vitamin C in the functioning of the immune system. At every stage of the immune process, from cell maturation and detection of microbes to identifying cancer cells and executing the destruction of microbes and cancer cells, Vitamin C is a vital component. In individuals with compromised immune systems, such as cancer patients, the administration of High Dose Vitamin C proves highly beneficial by significantly enhancing immune function.

IV. Increase in Collagen Formation

An essential function of Vitamin C in the human body is the synthesis of collagen. In conditions like scurvy, characterized by severe Vitamin C deficiency, the impaired collagen synthesis contributes to symptoms like bleeding gums and non-healing wounds.

Tumors typically have a collagen capsule surrounding them. Administering High Dose Vitamin C strengthens the tumor capsule, reducing the likelihood of metastases.


Oral Vs Intravenous Vitamin C?

The oral absorption of Vitamin C is limited to less than 10% of the ingested dose. The intestinal uptake of orally consumed vitamin C is controlled by the sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter-1 (SVCT1), a regulation bypassed with intravenous (IV) administration, leading to substantially elevated plasma concentrations. While peak plasma concentrations from oral tablets typically do not surpass 200 μmol/L, IV administration can yield peak plasma concentrations of 20 mmol/L, representing a 100-fold increase in concentration. Research has demonstrated that cancer cells exhibit mortality only when the concentration reaches the 5-20 mmol/L range, a level unattainable through oral tablets.

However, these heightened concentrations are relatively brief due to swift clearance by the kidneys, resulting in a circulation half-life of approximately 2-4 hours.

What about Oral Liposomal Vitamin C?

Liposomes are minuscule "nano-size" carriers with a fat-soluble nature designed to transport nutrients to the cells of the body. Liposomal vitamin C is structured similarly to a bodily cell, allowing it to navigate through the digestive barrier and deliver the nutrient directly into the bloodstream. This method boasts a significantly higher absorption rate, reaching around 90%. We advise patients to incorporate Liposomal Vitamin C between IV infusions for optimal results.

Is IVC Safe?

Integrative Medicine practitioners worldwide have been employing high-dose Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) for many decades. The majority of side effects are associated with local vein irritation, with occasional reports of minor fatigue.

A minimal byproduct of vitamin C metabolism is oxalate (only 0.5%), which has the potential to precipitate calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys. However, this occurrence is exceedingly rare in well-hydrated patients.

Screening for Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is typically conducted before administering high-dose IVC due to the risk of hemolytic anemia. It's noteworthy that lower IVC doses commonly used for enhancing quality of life (e.g., ≤10 g/d) do not induce hemolysis, even in individuals with G6PD deficiency.

Administering high doses of Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) is not recommended for patients with chronic kidney disease as the kidneys may struggle to effectively eliminate elevated circulating concentrations.

Does IVC Interfere With Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy?

  Given vitamin C's relatively brief half-life of 2-4 hours in circulation, attributed to swift renal clearance, Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) is generally given either the day before or after chemotherapy. Human trials have revealed no negative effects when combining IVC with various chemotherapeutic drugs; in fact, in numerous instances, there was a reduction in toxicity and an improvement in health-related quality of life measures.

Moreover, high-dose vitamin C administration has demonstrated synergistic effects with radiotherapy, leading to reduced tumor growth and improved survival rates. Administering IVC before and after radiotherapy has been shown to significantly decrease collateral damage to normal healthy tissues.

Key Points

The promotion of using elevated doses of Vitamin C for treating cancer gained popularity in the 1970s, largely due to the efforts of Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling. 
Functioning as a potent antioxidant, Vitamin C can effectively neutralize a diverse range of free radicals, thereby diminishing oxidative stress. 
Research indicates that individuals with cancer tend to exhibit lower levels of Vitamin C compared to their healthier counterparts.
The efficacy of High Dose Vitamin C in cancer treatment is attributed to several factors: the production of Hydrogen Peroxide, which annihilates cancer cells; the reduction of inflammation; and the enhancement of the immune system. 
Notably, High Dose Vitamin C is considered exceptionally safe, as its water-solubility facilitates the easy elimination of any excess through urine.
Moreover, Vitamin C can be administered concurrently with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, further underscoring its compatibility with conventional cancer treatments.


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