The Key to Boost Memory Power

‘Memory …is the diary that we all carry about with us.’ Memory is a remarkable power of human brain on the basis of which a person learns gains experiences and happenings to develop his life. All individuals have different levels of memory. Some have such a sharp memory that they can remember and replicate the actual incidences in a precise manner. But some people have a weak memory. They forget them soon and hence cannot recall the events properly.
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If the power of memory is lost due to some reason, we would not be able to recognize anybody, neither ourselves nor others. In such a situation, we would forget the objective of life. We would be puzzled as we won’t understand what we are doing and where we are going. This means that we are able to lead a harmonious life, maintain relationships and fulfill our obligations only because of our memories.
An average level of memory is enough for leading an ordinary life, but a good memory and a sharp brain are essential for special tasks like studying, pursuing research work or accomplishing difficult goals. The stronger the memory a person has the better he understands various things and excels in his work.
There could be numerous reasons for a poor memory. These may include a lack of sufficient sleep, fatigue, stress, anxiety, anger, consumption of intoxicants, etc. Also physical and old age problem may leads to poor memory. Excessive workload could also adversely affect our retention. When overloaded with work, we cannot complete any task properly; we forget many crucial details and facts related to it. Multitasking (i.e., doing many things at one time) is another impeding factor. Research has revealed that multitasking destroys the concentration of a person and also decreases his memory. 
An effective way to increase memory is concentration. In order to memorize anything there is need to focus on the subject matter in hand. When we concentrate on anything, we do not let our mind deviate; and hence, the work is done properly. The work done with concentration not only gives good results but also gives joy to the person doing it. When we do something of our interest we may easily get engrossed in it. For example, while watching a movie or reading an interesting novel, we easily get lost in it. Our mind gets engrossed and then we even forget about time. In the process, we easily remember everything - from the sequence of events to the names of characters and the story. In such instances, we don’t try to memorize it, but those events get engraved into our memory. This engraving is so deep that it keeps surfacing in our mind very often.
According to experts, psychological pressures and negative mentality affect our memory adversely. On the other hand, positive attitude facilitates our cognition. In today’s time, when our lives are getting stressed due to many external and internal factors, keeping the positive attitude may help us in coping with various adverse situations and in maintaining our memory strong.
Thus, in order to augment the memory it is essential to keep the mind – body healthy and positive, tranquil and focused. This we can very easily achieve by adopting Naturopathy  and Yoga. 
Research has proven that Naturopathy and Yoga treatment modality efficiently works in memory and to enhance neurological functions. 
Mud pack to Eyes/ Forehead: Activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which aids to better sleep and relaxes mind hence improves cognitive functions.   
Cephalic Douche: continuous water stream on forehead, improves frontal lobe circulation hence improves attention, concentration and memory. 
Massage Therapy: Head and spinal massage gives complete relaxation by removing blood congestion. Acupressure points used during massage activates neuro chemical that helps in nervous system. 
Acupuncture: Fine insertion of acupuncture needles to particular points on body, enhances the meridians activities and increases vital force at particular region. Acupuncture has been widely used to treat neurological disorders. 
Yoga:  Yoga is an ancient science and also called as mind body medicine. Asana (postures) helps to improve the stability, concentration and various mental functions. Some of the asanas and Kriyas in Yoga helps to boost memory, like Vrikshasana, Garudasana, Natarajasana, Padmasana, gomukhasana, Paschimottanasa, Bhujagasana ets. Also Trataka as kriya helps in boost memory by improving concentration and steady focus. 
Yogic breathing, Pranayama also helps in improving memory. 
Nadishuddhi Pranayam: This Pranayama balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Which helps in better grasping power and to be more focused. 
Kapalbhati Pranayam/ Kriya:  Kapalbhati means lightning of frontal head. Which means that Kapalbhati boosts memory and concentration. 
Bhramari Pranayam:  Humming bee sound creates very subtle vibration which reaches to the brain and neuro chemical changes takes place. This practice boosts neurological functions. 
Diet as essential part, we must take nutrition food in our diet, which is called as neuro-stimulating nutrients like flaxseed, walnuts, almonds. Also a complete diet which contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, micro-nutrients, vitamins and enough water intake. This will improve our nervous system and hence our memory.


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