Hand washing, A first step to be Healthy

Most of the common infections we get through the unhygienic hand wash procedure. When our hand, frequently comes in contact with the eyes, nose, lips and more of the contact with public places, there it begins with the infections and diseases. A proper hand wash is the best way to prevent from the spread of germs. Steps of Hand Washing: Most of the time we tend to just wet our hand with water and then wipe it up that is not going to prevent from the germs actions. Here are some steps of hand washing; Wet your hand with normal tab water or warm water (if available). Add soap and rub hands together to make a soapy lather. Scrub palms, fingers, back of hands and under fingernails. Continue for 20 seconds. Rinse your hand well under water. Dry your hands with clean towel or with clean paper towel and turn the taps off with the paper towel. When to hand wash??? After touching anything that could contaminate your hands, like dirty clothes, garbage, at p...